We Are IH: Meet Anna Meyers

August 27, 2020

We Are IH is a new recognition campaign to spotlight our people in a real way – through pictures and stories that allow their authenticity to shine through! Each month, four Interior Health employees or medical staff will be featured through our News@IH website and our weekly In the Loop Roundup email newsletter. 

Currently a Program Coordinator for Staff Recognition at Cariboo Memorial Hospital, Anna has been with IH for eight years.

Born and raised in Williams Lake, British Columbia, in the ancestral area of Tsilhqot'in (Chil-co-teen)/ Chilcotin, young Anna was a happy, outgoing and kind-hearted girl who loved to show appreciation to loved ones. As the Program Coordinator for Staff Recognition at Interior Health located at Cariboo Memorial Hospital, the growth of her new role over the past year is a reflection of her genuine personality and her love of giving and showing appreciation for others' contributions.

As a goal-oriented person herself, Anna understands the importance of recognition and showing appreciation to staff at Interior Health. Currently leading the new staff recognition initiative, We Are IH, Anna’s generosity shines through as she works hard to help create a workplace where everyone feels appreciated.

"Always do one per cent better every day and always be kind," is Anna's favourite quote.

Inspired daily by the tremendous efforts and dedication of staff at IH, Anna continues to pave the way to growing staff recognition. In light of the current pandemic, she has been resourceful and innovative in staff recognition. One of her proudest moments at IH is organizing the Long Term Service Awards and this year Anna has pivoted to a virtual platform and continues to ensure that Interior Health employees are feeling appreciated for their hard work and dedication.

With a love of traveling, this year has looked a bit different for Anna and her loved ones, so when she hasn’t been working she has been out camping in the beautiful outdoors of British Columbia. Those who work alongside Anna sincerely appreciate her valuable contribution to the organization and her helpful and kind demeanour. We appreciate you so much Anna and are thankful to have you a part of Interior Health!

Check back each Friday for the next We Are IH feature.

For more information contact EmployeeExperience@InteriorHealth.ca.


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