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Contact Media Relations

We’re committed to responding to media requests in a timely manner. To ensure the confidentiality of people in our care and employees is protected, all media requests for interviews and access to our facilities are to be directed to Media Relations:

During Regular Business Hours:
If leaving a message or sending an email, please include your name, media outlet, nature of your request and deadline
After Hours:
After hours includes weekdays from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m., weekends and holidays. Communications staff are available for urgent requests only.
Media Policy

Our Communications team will gather information for media representatives, coordinate interviews with health-care providers, staff and patients, and facilitate access to our facilities.

Media visiting our sites will be escorted by a Communications team member (or a designate). The Communications team are required to secure written consent from patients prior to media interviews occurring.

Updates on patient conditions may sometimes be provided to media if the patient or their designated representative has given authorization through a signed consent form. Our first priority is delivering excellent medical care and respecting the patient's and their family's wishes with respect to privacy.

Interior Health Logo

Interior Health's logo serves as a signature for our organization. It's an identifiable symbol that visually represents IH, links facilities and services together, and presents a common image to the public. 

The inclusive swoosh represents caring, and our commitment to the best health care possible for the people within Interior Health. It also has a dynamic quality, it suggests action and innovation which resonates with our stated goal of finding innovative solutions to providing a high quality health-care service.

Click on one of the logos below to download.

IH Logo Horizontal

IH Logo Horizontal

IH Logo Stacked

IH Logo Stacked

IH Logo Graphic Symbol

IH Logo Graphic Symbol

To request other logo variations, such as transparent or reverse, please contact us via email.


Read our latest stories

5 Minute Read
Community & Culture

Somi recruits executives who are collaborative & passionate about driving meaningful community engagement. Learn more about her approach & her fulfilling role

3 Minute Read
Community & Culture

Donna Jeri-Leon is a registered nurse and a clinical recruitment specialist that works to attract top-notch staff to join teams at Interior Health.

7 Minute Read
Health & Wellness

Using cultural and intergenerational knowledge and values, First Nation communities are responding to climate change while strengthening governance and rights.

2 Minute Read
Community & Culture

David Lloyd-Jones Long-Term Care Home strives to promote a care home where our elders, their loved ones, our staff and volunteers feel safe and seen.

3 Minute Read
Health & Wellness

Incontinence doesn't have to be life-limiting. Pelvic health professionals offer a wide range of therapies such as diet, exercises & more.

3 Minute Read
Community & Culture

Since moving to the Interior in 2013, Nicole has been exploring all the beauty and terrain the land has to offer with her dog Sage and partner Aaron.

Check out YOUR new website

Read this article to learn more about the added features, design elements, and functionality of the new 

Website Launch - Hero image 1
FAQs about the new website

Get answers to questions like: Why are you replacing the current website? Is there a how-to guide to help me learn about the website? and How do I sign up for the newsletter or alerts? 

Website Launch - Hero image 4
New Media Centre page prioritizing YOU

We value our relationships with media representatives throughout B.C.’s Southern Interior and beyond. When building our new person-centred public website it was important to build a responsive and comprehensive media centre to allow for efficient access to information.