We Are IH: Emily Lindsay

August 19, 2021

We are IH is a recognition campaign to spotlight Interior Health employees and medical staff – through pictures and stories.

Name: Emily Lindsay (she/her)

Job Title: Clinical Dietitian

Years of Service: 10

Worksite: Vernon Jubilee Hospital (VJH)

Community: Vernon

Ancestral Territory: “Syilx” (Saay-ilks) / Okanagan Interior Salish

Favourite Quote: "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." -Aesop

Born and raised in Williams Lake, B.C., Emily Lindsay, is a second-generation health-care professional. Her parents' influence - both having worked in health care - piqued her interest in a health-related career, and dietetics seemed the best choice as it combined her love of food and science.

"I enjoy my career as nutrition has such an important role in all aspects of health and dietitian involvement can greatly improve patient outcomes."

Emily completed her undergrad at the University of British Columbia and a one-year internship at the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, with placements around the province. After working one year in Fraser Health, Emily moved to Vernon with her husband and has worked with inpatients ever since ("so much for me thinking I was going to have my own cooking show when I graduated!").

Loyal, dedicated and caring, for Emily the patient comes first. Recently, she worked with an elderly patient who was worried whether he could return home with his wife due to his increased care requirements with his percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube feed. With extra teaching and support from the dietitian team and nursing staff, plus community follow up, he and his wife are fully independent with his feedings.

"It was a true example of teamwork and patient-centered care. It was fulfilling to see him be able to return home."

Emily loves cooking and baking, listening to country music and gardening. Her athletic pursuits include downhill skiing, running and chasing after her four- and six-year-old children. She's looking forward to getting back to travelling soon.  

Emily's nomination keeps the We Are IH loop going:

Dan Meyer. “Our pharmacists are awesome resources when it comes to questions around micro-nutrient dosing, symptom management and medication side effects. We are always so thankful for their expertise. And Dan is just fun to work with!" - Emily Lindsay

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