Volunteers make an incredible impact across Interior Health.
Early in the pandemic, volunteer programs were temporarily suspended – and we missed you! For those whose role has changed, or perhaps even been put on pause while we respond to COVID-19, thank you for your continued support.
Starting mid-summer, volunteers were able to return to many Interior Health locations in limited ways. Even in smaller numbers, we are grateful for their support. Volunteers have also played key roles at immunization clinics, welcoming and supporting people arriving for their vaccine.
The Value of One, the Power of Many
Volunteers are a wonderful example of hope in a time of need. In some ways, the pandemic has motivated many more people across our region to contribute and to volunteer. Whether it’s Interior Health staff, community physicians and health care workers, local businesses or groups of citizens -- so many people have seen opportunities to make a difference.
Volunteers are our communities, our supporters and our connections. During a time when we have all been challenged – as family members, as friends, as colleagues – by working together we have persisted. You are welcomed, respected and valued members of the Interior Health care team. Thank you!
~ Susan Brown, Interior Health President & CEO
Thank you volunteers for inspiring us through your service.