Have you ever heard the phrase "if you want to make a change in the world, start by changing yourself"?
Widespread change might seem difficult to achieve, but it's possible if we decide to do things differently.
If you want to fight addiction and stigma, and help end overdose, here are three easy steps to follow:
- End stigma. Words have power. We can end stigma around substance use and people who use drugs by changing our language. Take the Addiction Matters Kamloops Every Word Matters pledge today.
- Educate yourself. Visit stopoverdose.ca, which is home to many engaging articles, blog posts, videos and important resources. This provincial site is managed by the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and is a great “one stop shop” for information that can also be easily shared.
- Have a courageous conversation. Prepare ahead and then talk with someone close to you about substance use and the overdose crisis. Honest conversations bring the issue of substance use and addiction from society’s shadows out into the light – and reaching out to someone to talk can make all the difference.
Facebook Contest
Interior Health and Addiction Matters Kamloops want to encourage as many people as possible to take these small steps.
You can make a difference in the world and win a great prize in the process!
Follow Interior Health on Facebook to enter the contest between Nov. 22-28. Simply comment and share the Interior Health Facebook post about National Addictions Awareness Week, and share your personal commitment.Prizes include a copy of “Chasing the Scream” book about addiction; a Starbucks gift card, and a beautiful framed print from the Addiction Matters Kamloops Photo Voice project. Winners will be randomly chosen on Nov. 30 and notified through Facebook.
National Addictions Awareness Week is Nov. 22 -28. This year’s theme builds off previous campaigns to end stigma by declaring “Change Begins with Me”. Interior Health and its partners at Addiction Matters Kamloops invite you to consider the way you think about substance use and take action this week to learn more about addiction, fight stigma, and help end overdose.