The following have been proven to decrease cancer risk:
- Living smoke and vape free: Quitting smoking and/or vaping is protective of your overall health and decreases your cancer risk
- Safe sun exposure practices: Protect your skin and reduce your risk of developing skin cancer
- Eating a healthy diet: Eating a well-balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight can decrease your cancer risk
- Being physically active: Reducing sedentary behaviour and being physically active has many health benefits and reduces your risk of cancer
- Safe sex practices: Follow safe sex practices to decrease the risk of sexually transmitted infections that can cause cancer
- Limiting alcohol: The less alcohol you drink, the lower your risk of cancer. See Canada’s low-risk alcohol drinking guidelines Canada's Guidance on Alcohol and Health.
- Environmental factors: Pay attention to cancer-causing chemicals, pollutants, and workplace hazards in your environment that impact air quality
- Getting vaccinated: There are vaccines for some viruses that are known to contribute to cancer, such as HPV
Please visit BC Cancer's Preventing Cancer webpage for more healthy living tips.