One patient’s journey from a double stroke to recovery at RIH

April 23, 2024
A smiling Vinaysinh (Vinny) Chauhan stands next to neurosurgeon Dr. Reena Baweja at his check-up. That Vinny is standing and walking at all is a testament to his medical team and his positive attitude.

Vinaysinh (Vinny) Chauhan was enjoying a game of cricket on a warm June night in 2023 in Merritt when he started feeling unwell.

“My neck was feeling sore, and I was dizzy,” he recalls. He sat down on the field. His teammates brought him some snacks and juice, but he continued to feel poorly. They brought him home to sleep, but his symptoms continued.

By the time his teammates took him to Nicola Valley Hospital, his blood pressure was very high and he was obviously very ill. The next thing he remembers is waking up in Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops.

Vinny had had two strokes: one in his brainstem, and one in his spinal cord. Not only was Vinny’s condition rare, but it was also surprising given his age—just 42 years old.


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