Interior Health celebrates National Volunteer Week

April 26, 2022

During National Volunteer Week (April 24-30, 2022), Interior Health (IH) extends its gratitude to more than 4,800+ IH volunteers across the region.

“Thank you to everyone volunteering with Interior Health across the region,” said Interior Health president and CEO, Susan Brown. “Your warmth, kindness, and compassion provides comfort to people in our care, and it makes a tremendous difference across IH.”

In addition, Interior Health is grateful for the efforts of countless hospital foundation and auxiliary staff and volunteers who are dedicated to advancing health care through fundraising and support services. Their networks of committed volunteers raise support and awareness for causes in new and creative ways.

This year, the National Volunteer Week theme is ‘Volunteering is Empathy in Action,’ a phrase that captures perfectly the importance of volunteer contributions to our health system.

“All of us, at some time, will need assistance or help, and being there for someone else to make their lives a little easier is something that brings me a great deal of satisfaction,” said Angela Bearman, a community volunteer of 18 years in Kelowna. “By giving back through volunteering, I believe we strengthen our community’s social fabric, making it a better place for all to live and thrive.”

Volunteer with IH

Volunteers complement the care provided by our professionals, and are welcomed, respected and valued members of the IH team. Volunteers are encouraged to share their life experiences to help others, gain a personal satisfaction that comes from helping others, or explore career and education options.

Volunteers are present in many health-care programs and services, including community care, hospitals, long-term care and public health.

Learn why volunteers love their roles with Interior Health or how to volunteer here.


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