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1 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
Oliver and area residents are advised the South Okanagan General Hospital emergency department will go on diversion tonight at 6 p.m. until 8 a.m. Friday. The emergency department is on diversion from: 6 p.m. Thursday, August 18 to 8 a.m. Friday, August 19 During this time, all other inpatient services will continue as normal at South Okanagan General Hospital. Interior Health regrets this temporary change to normal operations and reminds residents to take note of the following if they require care while the emergency department is closed: In the event of an emergency, call 911. Visit the emergency department at: Penticton Regional Hospital – 550 Carmi Ave, Penticton Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 (24-hour service) if you are unsure of your need to seek emergency care The emergency department in Oliver is normally open 24/7.
4 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
Environment and Climate Change Canada has issued heat warnings starting tomorrow for various regions in Interior Health, including the South and Central Okanagan, North and South Thompson and Fraser Canyon. Temperatures up to 40 degrees are forecast in many of these areas. Interior Health is reminding people that elevated temperatures increase the risk of heat-related illness. The BC Centre of Disease Control provides a broad range of heat-related guidance on its website, including information on the different types of heat alerts, how to prepare for hot temperatures, symptoms of heat-related illnesses, those most at risk during hot weather and ways to stay cool. Preparing for and responding to hot weather: If you have air conditioning at home, make sure it is in good working order and turn it on. If you do not have air conditioning at home: Find somewhere you can cool off on hot days. Consider places in your community to spend time indoors such as libraries, community centres, movie theatres or malls. Also, as temperatures may be hotter inside than outside, consider outdoor spaces with lots of shade and running water. Shut windows and close curtains and blinds during the heat of the day to block the sun and prevent hotter outdoor air from coming inside. Open doors and windows when it is cooler outside to move that air indoors. Ensure that you have a working fan, but do not rely on fans as your primary means of cooling. Fans can be used to draw cooler late-evening, overnight and early-morning air indoors. Keep track of temperatures in your home using a thermostat or thermometer. Sustained indoor temperatures over 31 C can be dangerous for people who are susceptible to heat. If your home gets very hot, consider staying with a friend or relative who has air conditioning if possible. Identify people who may be at high risk for heat-related illness. If possible, help them prepare for heat and plan to check in on them.  Who is most at risk? It is important to monitor yourself, family members, neighbours and friends during hot weather. Consider developing a check-in system for those who are at high risk of heat-related illness. The most susceptible individuals include: Older adults, especially those over 60 People who live alone People with pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or respiratory disease People with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression or anxiety People with substance use disorders People with limited mobility and other disabilities People who are marginally housed People who work in hot environments People who are pregnant Infants and young children  Your health: Drink plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated, even if you are not thirsty. Spray your body with water, wear a damp shirt, take a cool shower or bath or sit with part of your body in water to cool down. Take it easy, especially during the hottest hours of the day. Stay in the shade and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. Take immediate action to cool down if you are overheating. Signs of overheating include feeling unwell, headache and dizziness. Overheating can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Signs of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, severe headache, muscle cramps, extreme thirst and dark urine. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should seek a cooler environment, drink plenty of water, rest and use water to cool your body. Signs of heat stroke include loss of consciousness, disorientation, confusion, severe nausea or vomiting and very dark urine or no urine. Heat stroke is a medical emergency. In the event of a medical emergency, call 911. However, it is important to use 911 responsibly to avoid overwhelming the system. When to call 911: In cases of heat stroke: loss of consciousness, disorientation, confusion, severe nausea or vomiting or very dark urine or no urine. In general: when there is chest pain, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, severe burns, choking, convulsions that are not stopping, a drowning, a severe allergic reaction, a head injury, signs of a stroke or a major trauma. If you have a less urgent health issue: You can call HealthLinkBC at 811 and speak with a nurse or go to an urgent care centre or clinic if you can do so safely. That way, our emergency medical dispatch staff and paramedics will be available for people who need their services the most. There are also online tools at healthlinkbc.ca, including a “Check Your Symptoms” tool.
1 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
Clearwater and area residents are advised Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Emergency Department will go on diversion for eight nights, starting at 6 p.m. tonight, due to limited staffing availability. The emergency department will be open during the day. The emergency department is on diversion overnight from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. on Aug. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. The ED is open during those days from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will return to 24-hour service at 7 a.m. Friday, Aug. 19. During this time, all other inpatient services will continue as normal at Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital. Interior Health regrets this temporary change to normal operations and reminds residents to take note of the following if they require care while the emergency department is closed: In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 (24-hour service) if you are unsure of your need to seek emergency care. Visit the emergency department at: Royal Inland Hospital – 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops 100 Mile House District General Hospital – 555 Cedar Avenue South, 100 Mile House The emergency department in Clearwater is normally open 24/7.
1 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
Creston and area residents are advised the Creston Valley Hospital emergency department will be on diversion tonight, due to limited staff availability. The emergency department is on diversion: 6 p.m. Friday, August 5 until 7 a.m. Saturday, August 6 Interior Health regrets this temporary change to normal operations and reminds residents to take note of the following if they require care while the emergency department is closed: In the event of an emergency, call 911. Visit the emergency department at: East Kootenay Regional Hospital – 12 24 Ave N, Cranbrook Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital – 1200 Hospital Bench, Trail Kootenay Lake Hospital – 3 View St, Nelson Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 (24-hour service) if you are unsure of your need to seek emergency care The emergency department in Creston is normally open 24/7.
1 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
Clearwater and area residents are advised Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Emergency Department will go on diversion for five nights, starting at 6 p.m. tonight, due to limited staffing availability. The emergency department will be open during the day. The emergency department is on diversion overnight from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. on Aug. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The ED is open during those days from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will return to 24-hour service at 7 a.m. Monday, Aug. 8. Interior Health regrets this temporary change to normal operations and reminds residents to take note of the following if they require care while the emergency department is closed: In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 (24-hour service) if you are unsure of your need to seek emergency care. Visit the emergency department at: Royal Inland Hospital – 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops 100 Mile House District General Hospital – 555 Cedar Avenue South, 100 Mile House The emergency department in Clearwater is normally open 24/7.
2 Minute Read
News Release
Interior Health (IH) clinics are now scheduled for children between the ages of six months and four years old with a COVID-19 vaccine specifically formulated for this age group. All people over the age of six months can now receive protection against the COVID-19 virus. “Vaccination against COVID-19 is still the best way to reduce the risk of getting really sick and needing to be hospitalized due to COVID-19,” said Dr. Carol Fenton, medical health officer with IH. “While children are at lower risk of severe disease from COVID-19 compared to adults, they can still get very sick. The vaccine is safe and effective in preventing serious illness from COVID-19.” Parents and caregivers are encouraged to register their children now in the provincial system at getvaccinated.gov.bc.ca. Once registration is complete, parents will be invited to book an appointment at their local community clinic. Parents can also register children younger than six months, so they can be invited to book an appointment once the child becomes eligible for the vaccine. Appointments are necessary for these vaccines and will be held in child-friendly local immunization clinics. Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines are not available in pharmacies. Vaccination helps children and families get back to many important activities that positively benefit children’s physical and mental health. The vaccine also reduces the risk of transmission to children’s close contacts, who may be at higher risk of severe illness. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines for children, visit interiorhealth.ca.
1 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
Ashcroft and area residents are advised the Ashcroft emergency department will be on diversion tonight due to limited staffing availability. The emergency department will be on diversion: 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, July 29 Regular service will resume on Saturday, July 30 at 8 a.m. There is no emergency department service during the week or overnight on weekends in Ashcroft. Regular emergency department hours are Friday, 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. and Saturday/Sunday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Interior Health regrets this temporary change to normal operations and reminds residents to take note of the following if they require care while the emergency department is closed: In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. Visit the emergency department at: Royal Inland Hospital – 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 (24 hour service) if you are unsure of your need to seek emergency care.
1 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
CLEARWATER - Clearwater and area residents are advised Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Emergency Department will go on diversion at 6 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. tomorrow, due to limited staffing availability.  The emergency department is on diversion from:  6 p.m. Friday, July 29 to 7 a.m. Saturday, July 30 Interior Health regrets this temporary change to normal operations and reminds residents to take note of the following if they require care while the emergency department is closed: In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 (24-hour service) if you are unsure of your need to seek emergency care. Visit the emergency department at: Royal Inland Hospital – 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops The emergency department in Clearwater is normally open 24/7.
1 Minute Read
Public Service Announcement
Clearwater and area residents are advised Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Emergency Department will go on diversion at 6 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. Friday, due to limited staffing availability. The emergency department is on diversion from:  6 p.m. Wednesday, July 27 to 7 a.m. Friday, July 29 Interior Health regrets this temporary change to normal operations and reminds residents to take note of the following if they require care while the emergency department is closed: In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 (24-hour service) if you are unsure of your need to seek emergency care. Visit the emergency department at: Royal Inland Hospital – 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops The emergency department in Clearwater is normally open 24/7.