Environmental Health & Hazards

Learn about and stay up to date on environmental health topics such as air quality, drinking water, immunizations, beach advisories and more.

Virtual Career Fair
Come Live, Work, And Play

Our uniqueness is in who we are and where we are. Our geographical location offers the choice of an active urban lifestyle or a quiet rural setting. Whether you're in clinical care, management, or in a supporting role, your impact will be felt. Your passion and motivation combined with our commitment to set new standards and excellence make Interior Health the right choice for you. We thrive as a direct result of state-of-the-art equipment, forwarding thinking and strong leadership. We are here for your whole life from career choices to family benefits to work/life balance. At Interior Health there is always room to grow.

emergency prep
Emergency Preparedness
Are You Prepared For An Emergency?

This page provides you with information that may help you prepare for an environmental health emergency before it happens. Learn about emergency kit preparation, hazardous materials, spring flooding, and more. 

Indigenous Health & Wellness
Indigenous Partnerships

Our mission is to promote and maintain sustainable, respectful, responsive partnerships between Indigenous peoples and Interior Health and ensure Indigenous partners are involved in the planning and delivery of health services. Our commitment to Indigenous health and wellness is strengthened through partnerships. 

Mental Health & Substance Use Banner
Mental Health

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, you're not alone. Learn how to access different support services and helpful resources. Reach your local Medical Health Centre for community-based support by calling 310-MHSU (6478). 

overdose prevention revised Banner
Substance Use

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, you're not alone. Learn how to access different support services and helpful resources. Reach your local Substance Use Centre for community-based support by calling 310-MHSU (6478). 

media centre
Visit Our Media Centre

Read our latest news releases, learn how to contact Media Relations and discover our media policy. 


Read our latest stories

7 Minute Read
Community & Culture

After surviving the tsunami that struck Thailand in 2004, Orion experienced PTSD. Today, he's giving back, sharing his mental health journey with others.

6 Minute Read
Health & Wellness

Online health misinformation is everywhere. But with a few skills, and by slowing down to consider the facts, you can learn how to spot health misinformation.

5 Minute Read
Community & Culture

Meet Ian Lindsay, CEO of the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation. Find out what the SOS Foundation is focusing on and some of his favourite campaigns.

4 Minute Read
Community & Culture

Emma’s journey to IH is a remarkable one. She shared her story at a recent TEDx Talk, has been invited to speak at conferences and is working on her first book.

3 Minute Read
Community & Culture

Vision Zero grants help communities make roads safer for pedestrians, cyclists, scooters and skateboarders. The deadline to apply is Nov. 29.

3 Minute Read
Community & Culture

IH's New Grad Program provided Ben regular check-ins, supervised shifts across different units, & dedicated support from experienced staff.


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